SPOL Co., Ltd.

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog

SPOL Co., Ltd.

CEO : Young Wook Kim


1004, 276, Gilju-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea





Phone No.


SPOL is the acronym for Sports Power of Life. We're here with our customers through the motto of "Healthy World Through Sports." SPOL have been communication with customers over the past several years through sporting goods, taping, and medical supplies and so on. We will always trying to seek the happiness of our customers based on honesty and love, and regards customer's healthy as a top priority. In addition, through continuous change and innovation, we will grow to be recognized for its competitiveness both domestic and international market. In relation of partnership, we will not only share various information, programs and contect, but also support marketing activities and event through close cooperation online and offline. We promise you a systematic win-win strategy for developing our common interests.

SPOL Kinesiology tape, KInematics Tex, Muscle tape, sports

Kinematics tex is the own brand of SPOL(Taping Center).Since the taping therapeutics has been introduced in 1999, Korea.It has become the favorite treatment among many people, thus a lot of Korean brands has been produced.For the past 10 years, many other Korean products have been remarkably developedwhile we realize that the quality has been somewhat irregular and unst ...View more

Trade Price / Negotiable

MOQ / Min. Order

tradeKorea tradeshows company E-catalog